Source code for arosics.DeShifter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# AROSICS - Automated and Robust Open-Source Image Co-Registration Software
# Copyright (C) 2017-2024
# - Daniel Scheffler (GFZ Potsdam,
# - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam,
#   Germany (
# This software was developed within the context of the GeoMultiSens project funded
# by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
# (project grant code: 01 IS 14 010 A-C).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import collections
import time
import warnings
import numpy as np
from typing import Union

# internal modules
from geoarray import GeoArray
from py_tools_ds.geo.map_info import mapinfo2geotransform, geotransform2mapinfo
from py_tools_ds.geo.coord_grid import is_coord_grid_equal
from py_tools_ds.geo.projection import prj_equal
from py_tools_ds.geo.raster.reproject import warp_ndarray
from py_tools_ds.numeric.vector import find_nearest

__author__ = 'Daniel Scheffler'

_dict_rspAlg_rsp_Int = {'nearest': 0, 'bilinear': 1, 'cubic': 2, 'cubic_spline': 3, 'lanczos': 4, 'average': 5,
                        'mode': 6, 'max': 7, 'min': 8, 'med': 9, 'q1': 10, 'q2': 11,
                        0: 'nearest', 1: 'bilinear', 2: 'cubic', 3: 'cubic_spline', 4: 'lanczos', 5: 'average',
                        6: 'mode', 7: 'max', 8: 'min', 9: 'med', 10: 'q1', 11: 'q2'}

[docs]class DESHIFTER(object): """ Class to deshift an image array or one of its products by applying previously the computed coregistration info. See help(DESHIFTER) for documentation. """ def __init__(self, im2shift: Union[GeoArray, str], coreg_results: dict, **kwargs ) -> None: """Get an instance of DESHIFTER. :param im2shift: path of an image to be de-shifted or alternatively a GeoArray object :param dict coreg_results: the results of the co-registration as given by COREG.coreg_info or COREG_LOCAL.coreg_info :keyword int path_out: /output/directory/filename for coregistered results :keyword str fmt_out: raster file format for output file. ignored if path_out is None. can be any GDAL compatible raster file format (e.g. 'ENVI', 'GTIFF'; default: ENVI) :keyword list out_crea_options: GDAL creation options for the output image, e.g., ["QUALITY=20", "REVERSIBLE=YES", "WRITE_METADATA=YES"] :keyword int band2process: The index of the band to be processed within the given array (starts with 1), default = None (all bands are processed) :keyword float nodata: no data value of the image to be de-shifted :keyword float out_gsd: output pixel size in units of the reference coordinate system (default = pixel size of the input array), given values are overridden by match_gsd=True :keyword bool align_grids: True: align the input coordinate grid to the reference (does not affect the output pixel size as long as input and output pixel sizes are compatible (5:30 or 10:30 but not 4:30)), default = False :keyword bool match_gsd: True: match the input pixel size to the reference pixel size, default = False :keyword list target_xyGrid: a list with an x-grid and a y-grid like [[15,45], [15,45]]. This overrides 'out_gsd', 'align_grids' and 'match_gsd'. :keyword int min_points_local_corr: number of valid tie points, below which a global shift correction is performed instead of a local correction (global X/Y shift is then computed as the mean shift of the remaining points) (default: 5 tie points) :keyword str resamp_alg: the resampling algorithm to be used if neccessary (valid algorithms: nearest, bilinear, cubic, cubic_spline, lanczos, average, mode, max, min, med, q1, q3) :keyword bool cliptoextent: True: clip the input image to its actual bounds while deleting possible no data areas outside the actual bounds, default = False :keyword list clipextent: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax - if given the calculation of the actual bounds is skipped. The given coordinates are automatically snapped to the output grid. :keyword int CPUs: number of CPUs to use (default: None, which means 'all CPUs available') :keyword bool progress: show progress bars (default: True) :keyword bool v: verbose mode (default: False) :keyword bool q: quiet mode (default: False) """ # private attributes self._grids_alignable = None # store args / kwargs self.init_args = dict([x for x in locals().items() if x[0] != "self" and not x[0].startswith('__')]) self.init_kwargs = self.init_args['kwargs'] # unpack args self.im2shift = im2shift if isinstance(im2shift, GeoArray) else GeoArray(im2shift) self.GCPList = coreg_results['GCPList'] if 'GCPList' in coreg_results else None self.ref_gt = coreg_results['reference geotransform'] self.ref_grid = coreg_results['reference grid'] self.ref_prj = coreg_results['reference projection'] # unpack kwargs self.path_out = kwargs.get('path_out', None) self.fmt_out = kwargs.get('fmt_out', 'ENVI') self.out_creaOpt = kwargs.get('out_crea_options', []) self.band2process = kwargs.get('band2process', None) # starts with 1 # FIXME why? self.band2process = \ self.band2process - 1 if self.band2process is not None else None # internally handled as band index self.nodata = kwargs.get('nodata', self.im2shift.nodata) self.align_grids = kwargs.get('align_grids', False) self.min_points_local_corr = kwargs.get('min_points_local_corr', 5) self.rspAlg = kwargs.get('resamp_alg', 'cubic') # TODO accept also integers self.cliptoextent = kwargs.get('cliptoextent', False) self.clipextent = kwargs.get('clipextent', None) self.CPUs = kwargs.get('CPUs', None) self.v = kwargs.get('v', False) self.q = kwargs.get('q', False) if not self.v else False # overridden by v self.progress = kwargs.get('progress', True) if not self.q else False # overridden by q self.im2shift.nodata = kwargs.get('nodata', self.im2shift.nodata) self.im2shift.q = self.q self.shift_prj = self.im2shift.projection self.shift_gt = list(self.im2shift.geotransform) # in case of local shift correction and local coreg results contain fewer points than min_points_local_corr: # force global correction based on mean X/Y shifts if 'GCPList' in coreg_results and len(coreg_results['GCPList']) < self.min_points_local_corr: warnings.warn('Only %s valid tie point(s) could be identified. A local shift correction is therefore not ' 'reasonable and could cause artifacts in the output image. The target image is ' 'corrected globally with the mean X/Y shift of %.3f/%.3f pixels.' % (len(self.GCPList), coreg_results['mean_shifts_px']['x'], coreg_results['mean_shifts_px']['y'])) self.GCPList = None coreg_results['updated map info'] = coreg_results['updated map info means'] # in case of global shift correction -> the updated map info from coreg_results already has the final map info # BUT: this will be updated in correct_shifts() if clipextent is given or warping is needed if not self.GCPList: mapI = coreg_results['updated map info'] self.updated_map_info = mapI or geotransform2mapinfo(self.shift_gt, self.shift_prj) self.updated_gt = mapinfo2geotransform(self.updated_map_info) or self.shift_gt self.original_map_info = coreg_results['original map info'] self.updated_projection = self.ref_prj self.out_grid = self._get_out_grid() # needs self.ref_grid, self.im2shift self.out_gsd = [abs(self.out_grid[0][1] - self.out_grid[0][0]), abs(self.out_grid[1][1] - self.out_grid[1][0])] # xgsd, ygsd # assertions assert self.rspAlg in _dict_rspAlg_rsp_Int.keys(), \ "'%s' is not a supported resampling algorithm." % self.rspAlg if self.band2process is not None: assert self.im2shift.bands - 1 >= self.band2process >= 0, \ "The %s '%s' has %s %s. So 'band2process' must be %s%s. Got %s." \ % (self.im2shift.__class__.__name__, self.im2shift.basename, self.im2shift.bands, 'bands' if self.im2shift.bands > 1 else 'band', 'between 1 and ' if self.im2shift.bands > 1 else '', self.im2shift.bands, self.band2process + 1) # set defaults for general class attributes self.is_shifted = False # this is not included in COREG.coreg_info self.is_resampled = False # this is not included in COREG.coreg_info self.tracked_errors = [] self.arr_shifted = None # set by self.correct_shifts self.GeoArray_shifted = None # set by self.correct_shifts
[docs] def _get_out_grid(self): # parse given params out_gsd = self.init_kwargs.get('out_gsd', None) match_gsd = self.init_kwargs.get('match_gsd', False) out_grid = self.init_kwargs.get('target_xyGrid', None) # assertions assert out_grid is None or (isinstance(out_grid, (list, tuple)) and len(out_grid) == 2) assert out_gsd is None or (isinstance(out_gsd, (int, tuple, list)) and len(out_gsd) == 2) ref_xgsd, ref_ygsd = (self.ref_grid[0][1] - self.ref_grid[0][0], abs(self.ref_grid[1][1] - self.ref_grid[1][0])) def get_grid(gt, xgsd, ygsd): return [[gt[0], gt[0] + xgsd], [gt[3], gt[3] - ygsd]] # get out_grid if out_grid: # output grid is given pass elif out_gsd: out_xgsd, out_ygsd = [out_gsd, out_gsd] if isinstance(out_gsd, int) else out_gsd if match_gsd and (out_xgsd, out_ygsd) != (ref_xgsd, ref_ygsd): warnings.warn("\nThe parameter 'match_gsd is ignored because another output ground sampling distance " "was explicitly given.") if self.align_grids and \ self._are_grids_alignable(self.im2shift.xgsd, self.im2shift.ygsd, out_xgsd, out_ygsd): # use grid of reference image with the given output gsd out_grid = get_grid(self.ref_gt, out_xgsd, out_ygsd) else: # no grid alignment # use grid of input image with the given output gsd out_grid = get_grid(self.im2shift.geotransform, out_xgsd, out_ygsd) elif match_gsd: if self.align_grids: # use reference grid out_grid = self.ref_grid else: # use grid of input image and reference gsd out_grid = get_grid(self.im2shift.geotransform, ref_xgsd, ref_ygsd) else: if self.align_grids and \ self._are_grids_alignable(self.im2shift.xgsd, self.im2shift.ygsd, ref_xgsd, ref_ygsd): # use origin of reference image and gsd of input image out_grid = get_grid(self.ref_gt, self.im2shift.xgsd, self.im2shift.ygsd) else: if not self.GCPList: # in case of global co-registration: # -> use the target image grid but update the origin (shift-correction without resampling) out_grid = get_grid(self.updated_gt, self.im2shift.xgsd, self.im2shift.ygsd) else: # in case of local co-registration: # -> use input image grid out_grid = get_grid(self.im2shift.geotransform, self.im2shift.xgsd, self.im2shift.ygsd) return out_grid
@property def warping_needed(self): """Return True if image warping is needed in consideration of the input parameters of DESHIFTER.""" assert self.out_grid, 'Output grid must be calculated before.' equal_prj = prj_equal(self.ref_prj, self.shift_prj) return \ False if (equal_prj and not self.GCPList and is_coord_grid_equal(self.updated_gt, *self.out_grid)) else True
[docs] def _are_grids_alignable(self, in_xgsd, in_ygsd, out_xgsd, out_ygsd): """Check if the input image pixel grid is alignable to the output grid. :param in_xgsd: :param in_ygsd: :param out_xgsd: :param out_ygsd: :return: """ if self._grids_alignable is None: def is_alignable(gsd1, gsd2): """Check if pixel sizes are divisible.""" return max(gsd1, gsd2) % min(gsd1, gsd2) == 0 self._grids_alignable = \ False if (not is_alignable(in_xgsd, out_xgsd) or not is_alignable(in_ygsd, out_ygsd)) else True if self._grids_alignable is False and not self.q: warnings.warn("\nThe coordinate grid of %s cannot be aligned to the desired grid because their pixel " "sizes are not exact multiples of each other (input [X/Y]: %s/%s; desired [X/Y]: %s/%s). " "Therefore the original grid is chosen for the resampled output image. If you donĀ“t like " "that you can use the 'out_gsd' or 'match_gsd' parameters to set an appropriate output " "pixel size or to allow changing the pixel size.\n" % (self.im2shift.basename, in_xgsd, in_ygsd, out_xgsd, out_ygsd)) return self._grids_alignable
[docs] def _get_out_extent(self): if self.clipextent is None: # no clip extent has been given if self.cliptoextent: # use actual image corners as clip extent self.clipextent = self.im2shift.footprint_poly.envelope.bounds else: # use outer bounds of the image as clip extent xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.clipextent = xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax # snap clipextent to output grid # (in case of odd input coords the output coords are moved INSIDE the input array) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.clipextent x_tol, y_tol = float(np.ptp(self.out_grid[0]) / 2000), float(np.ptp(self.out_grid[1]) / 2000) # 2.000th pix xmin = find_nearest(self.out_grid[0], xmin, roundAlg='on', extrapolate=True, tolerance=x_tol) ymin = find_nearest(self.out_grid[1], ymin, roundAlg='on', extrapolate=True, tolerance=y_tol) xmax = find_nearest(self.out_grid[0], xmax, roundAlg='off', extrapolate=True, tolerance=x_tol) ymax = find_nearest(self.out_grid[1], ymax, roundAlg='off', extrapolate=True, tolerance=y_tol) return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
[docs] def correct_shifts(self) -> collections.OrderedDict: if not self.q: print('Correcting geometric shifts...') t_start = time.time() if not self.warping_needed: """NO RESAMPLING NEEDED""" self.is_shifted = True self.is_resampled = False xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self._get_out_extent() if not self.q: print("NOTE: The detected shift is corrected by updating the map info of the target image only, i.e., " "without any resampling. Set the 'align_grids' parameter to True if you need the target and the " "reference coordinate grids to be aligned.") if self.cliptoextent: # TODO validate results # TODO -> output extent does not seem to be the requested one! (only relevant if align_grids=False) # get shifted array shifted_geoArr = GeoArray(self.im2shift[:], tuple(self.updated_gt), self.shift_prj) # clip with target extent # NOTE: get_mapPos() does not perform any resampling as long as source and target projection are equal self.arr_shifted, self.updated_gt, self.updated_projection = \ shifted_geoArr.get_mapPos((xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), self.shift_prj, fillVal=self.nodata, band2get=self.band2process) self.updated_map_info = geotransform2mapinfo(self.updated_gt, self.updated_projection) else: # array keeps the same; updated gt and prj are taken from coreg_info self.arr_shifted = self.im2shift[:, :, self.band2process] \ if self.band2process is not None else self.im2shift[:] out_geoArr = GeoArray(self.arr_shifted, self.updated_gt, self.updated_projection, q=self.q) out_geoArr.nodata = self.nodata # equals self.im2shift.nodata after __init__() out_geoArr.metadata = self.im2shift.metadata[[self.band2process]] \ if self.band2process is not None else self.im2shift.metadata self.GeoArray_shifted = out_geoArr else: # FIXME equal_prj==False ist noch NICHT implementiert """RESAMPLING NEEDED""" # FIXME avoid reading the whole band if clip_extent is passed in_arr = self.im2shift[:, :, self.band2process] \ if self.band2process is not None and self.im2shift.ndim == 3 else self.im2shift[:] if not self.GCPList: # apply XY-shifts to input image gt 'shift_gt' in order to correct the shifts before warping self.shift_gt[0], self.shift_gt[3] = self.updated_gt[0], self.updated_gt[3] # get resampled array out_arr, out_gt, out_prj = \ warp_ndarray(in_arr, self.shift_gt, self.shift_prj, self.ref_prj, rspAlg=_dict_rspAlg_rsp_Int[self.rspAlg], in_nodata=self.nodata, out_nodata=self.nodata, out_gsd=self.out_gsd, out_bounds=self._get_out_extent(), # always returns an extent snapped to the target grid gcpList=self.GCPList, # polynomialOrder=str(3), # options='-refine_gcps 500 1.9', # warpOptions=['-refine_gcps 500 1.9'], # options='-wm 10000',# -order 3', # options=['-order 3'], # options=['GDAL_CACHEMAX 800 '], # warpMemoryLimit=125829120, # 120MB CPUs=self.CPUs, progress=self.progress, q=self.q) out_geoArr = GeoArray(out_arr, out_gt, out_prj, q=self.q) out_geoArr.nodata = self.nodata # equals self.im2shift.nodata after __init__() out_geoArr.metadata = self.im2shift.metadata[[self.band2process]] \ if self.band2process is not None else self.im2shift.metadata self.arr_shifted = out_arr self.updated_gt = out_gt self.updated_projection = out_prj self.updated_map_info = geotransform2mapinfo(out_gt, out_prj) self.GeoArray_shifted = out_geoArr self.is_shifted = True self.is_resampled = True if self.path_out:, fmt=self.fmt_out, creationOptions=self.out_creaOpt) # validation if not is_coord_grid_equal(self.updated_gt, *self.out_grid, tolerance=1.e8): raise RuntimeError('DESHIFTER output dataset has not the desired target pixel grid. Target grid ' 'was %s. Output geotransform is %s.' % (str(self.out_grid), str(self.updated_gt))) # TODO to be continued (extent, map info, ...) if self.v: print('Time for shift correction: %.2fs' % (time.time() - t_start)) return self.deshift_results
@property def deshift_results(self): deshift_results = collections.OrderedDict() deshift_results.update({ 'band': self.band2process, 'is shifted': self.is_shifted, 'is resampled': self.is_resampled, 'updated map info': self.updated_map_info, 'updated geotransform': self.updated_gt, 'updated projection': self.updated_projection, 'arr_shifted': self.arr_shifted, 'GeoArray_shifted': self.GeoArray_shifted }) return deshift_results
[docs]def deshift_image_using_coreg_info(im2shift: Union[GeoArray, str], coreg_results: dict, path_out: str = None, fmt_out: str = 'ENVI', q: bool = False): """Correct a geometrically distorted image using previously calculated coregistration info. This function can be used for example to correct spatial shifts of mask files using the same transformation parameters that have been used to correct their source images. :param im2shift: path of an image to be de-shifted or alternatively a GeoArray object :param coreg_results: the results of the co-registration as given by COREG.coreg_info or COREG_LOCAL.coreg_info respectively :param path_out: /output/directory/filename for coregistered results. If None, no output is written - only the shift corrected results are returned. :param fmt_out: raster file format for output file. ignored if path_out is None. can be any GDAL compatible raster file format (e.g. 'ENVI', 'GTIFF'; default: ENVI) :param q: quiet mode (default: False) :return: """ deshift_results = DESHIFTER(im2shift, coreg_results).correct_shifts() if path_out: deshift_results['GeoArray_shifted'].save(path_out, fmt_out=fmt_out, q=q) return deshift_results