Source code for arosics.arosics_cli

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# unicode_literals cause GDAL not to work properly

# AROSICS - Automated and Robust Open-Source Image Co-Registration Software
# Copyright (C) 2017-2024
# - Daniel Scheffler (GFZ Potsdam,
# - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam,
#   Germany (
# This software was developed within the context of the GeoMultiSens project funded
# by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
# (project grant code: 01 IS 14 010 A-C).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import (division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals)

import time
import sys
import argparse
from arosics import COREG, COREG_LOCAL, __version__

__author__ = "Daniel Scheffler"

# sub-command functions
[docs]def run_global_coreg(args): COREG_obj = COREG(args.path_ref, args.path_tgt, path_out=args.path_out, fmt_out=args.fmt_out,,, wp=args.wp,, max_iter=args.max_iter, max_shift=args.max_shift, align_grids=args.align_grids, match_gsd=args.match_gsd, out_gsd=args.out_gsd, resamp_alg_calc=args.rsp_alg_deshift, resamp_alg_deshift=args.rsp_alg_calc, data_corners_ref=args.cor0, data_corners_tgt=args.cor1, nodata=args.nodata, calc_corners=args.calc_cor, CPUs=None if else 1, force_quadratic_win=args.quadratic_win, binary_ws=args.bin_ws, mask_baddata_ref=args.mask_ref, mask_baddata_tgt=args.mask_tgt, progress=args.progress, v=args.v, path_verbose_out=args.vo, q=args.q, ignore_errors=args.ignore_errors) COREG_obj.correct_shifts()
# sub-command functions
[docs]def run_local_coreg(args): CRL = COREG_LOCAL(args.path_ref, args.path_tgt, path_out=args.path_out, fmt_out=args.fmt_out, grid_res=args.grid_res, max_points=args.max_points,,,, max_iter=args.max_iter, max_shift=args.max_shift, tieP_filter_level=args.tieP_filter_level, min_reliability=args.min_reliability, rs_max_outlier=args.rs_max_outlier, rs_tolerance=args.rs_tolerance, # align_grids=args.align_grids, # match_gsd=args.match_gsd, # out_gsd=args.out_gsd, resamp_alg_calc=args.rsp_alg_deshift, resamp_alg_deshift=args.rsp_alg_calc, data_corners_ref=args.cor0, data_corners_tgt=args.cor1, nodata=args.nodata, calc_corners=args.calc_cor, mask_baddata_ref=args.mask_ref, mask_baddata_tgt=args.mask_tgt, CPUs=None if else 1, force_quadratic_win=args.quadratic_win, binary_ws=args.bin_ws, progress=args.progress, v=args.v, q=args.q, ) CRL.correct_shifts()
[docs]def get_arosics_argparser(): """Return argument parser for arosics console command.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='arosics', description='Perform automatic subpixel co-registration of two satellite image datasets based on an image ' 'matching approach working in the frequency domain, combined with a multistage workflow for ' 'effective detection of false-positives. Python implementation by Daniel Scheffler ' '(daniel.scheffler [at] gfz-potsdam [dot] de). The scientific background is described in the paper ' 'Scheffler D, Hollstein A, Diedrich H, Segl K, Hostert P. AROSICS: An Automated and Robust ' 'Open-Source Image Co-Registration Software for Multi-Sensor Satellite Data. Remote Sensing. 2017;' ' 9(7):676." (', epilog="DETAILED DESCRIPTION: AROSICS detects and corrects global as well as local misregistrations between " "two input images in the subpixel scale, that are often present in satellite imagery. The input images " "can have any GDAL compatible image format ( Both of them " "must be approximately geocoded. In case of ENVI files, this means they must have a 'map info' and a " "'coordinate system string' as attributes of their header file. The input images must have a geographic " "overlap but clipping them to same geographical extent is NOT neccessary. Please do not perform any " "spatial resampling of the input images before applying this algorithm. Any needed resampling of the " "data is done automatically. Thus, the input images may have different spatial resolutions. The current " "algorithm will not perform any ortho-rectification. So please use ortho-rectified input data in order " "to minimize local shifts in the input images. AROSICS supports local and global co-registration. LOCAL " "CO-REGISTRATION: A dense grid of tie points is automatically computed, whereas tie points are " "subsequently validated using a multistage workflow. Only those tie points not marked as " "false-positives are used to compute the parameters of an affine transformation. Warping of the target " "image is done using an appropriate resampling technique (cubic by default). GLOBAL CO-REGISTRATION: " "Only a global X/Y translation is computed within a small subset of the input images (window position " "is adjustable). This allows very fast co-registration but only corrects for translational (global) X/Y " "shifts. The calculated subpixel-shifts are (by default) applied to the geocoding information of the " "output image. No spatial resampling is done automatically as long as both input images have the same " "projection. If you need the output image to be aligned to the reference image coordinate grid (by " "using an appropriate resampling algorithm), use the '-align_grids' option. AROSICS is designed to " "robustly handle the typical difficulties of multi-sensoral/multi-temporal images. Clouds are " "automatically handled by the implemented outlier detection algorithms. The user may provide " "user-defined masks to exclude certain image areas from tie point creation. The image overlap area is " "automatically calculated. Thereby, no-data regions within the images are automatically respected. " "Providing the map coordinates of the actual data corners lets you save some calculation time, because " "in this case the automatic algorithm can be skipped. The no-data value of each image is automatically " "derived from the image corners. The verbose program mode gives some more output about the interim " "results, shows some figures and writes the used footprint and overlap polygons to disk. Note, that " "maybe the figures must be manually closed in in order to continue the processing (depending on your " "Python configuration). For further details regarding the implemented algorithm, example use cases, " "quality assessment and benchmarks refer to the above mentioned paper (Scheffler et al. 2017).") parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=__version__) ##################### # GENERAL ARGUMENTS # ##################### general_opts_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) gop_p = general_opts_parser.add_argument gop_p('path_ref', type=str, help='source path of reference image (any GDAL compatible image format is supported)') gop_p('path_tgt', type=str, help='source path of image to be shifted (any GDAL compatible image format is supported)') gop_p('-o', nargs='?', dest='path_out', type=str, default='auto', help="target path of the coregistered image If 'auto' (default: /dir/of/im1/<im1>__shifted_to__<im0>.bsq)") gop_p('-fmt_out', nargs='?', type=str, default='ENVI', help="raster file format for output file. ignored if path_out is None. can " "be any GDAL compatible raster file format (e.g. 'ENVI', 'GTIFF'; default: ENVI)") gop_p('-br', nargs='?', type=int, default=1, help='band of reference image to be used for matching (starts with 1; default: 1)') gop_p('-bs', nargs='?', type=int, default=1, help='band of shift image to be used for matching (starts with 1; default: 1)') gop_p('-ws', nargs=2, metavar=('X size', 'Y size'), type=int, default=(256, 256), help="custom matching window size [pixels] (default: (256,256))") gop_p('-max_iter', nargs='?', type=int, default=5, help="maximum number of iterations for matching (default: 5)") gop_p('-max_shift', nargs='?', type=int, default=5, help="maximum shift distance in reference image pixel units (default: 5 px)") gop_p('-rsp_alg_deshift', nargs='?', type=int, choices=list(range(12)), default=2, help="the resampling algorithm to be used for shift correction (if neccessary) " "(valid algorithms: 0=nearest neighbour, 1=bilinear, 2=cubic, 3=cubic_spline, 4=lanczos, 5=average, " "6=mode, 7=max, 8=min, 9=med, 10=q1, 11=q3), default: 2") gop_p('-rsp_alg_calc', nargs='?', type=int, choices=list(range(12)), default=2, help="the resampling algorithm to be used for all warping processes during calculation of spatial shifts " "(valid algorithms: 0=nearest neighbour, 1=bilinear, 2=cubic, 3=cubic_spline, 4=lanczos, 5=average, " "6=mode, 7=max, 8=min, 9=med, 10=q1, 11=q3), default: 2 (highly recommended)") gop_p('-cor0', nargs=8, type=float, help="map coordinates of data corners within reference image: ", metavar=tuple("UL-X UL-Y UR-X UR-Y LR-X LR-Y LL-X LL-Y".split(' ')), default=None) gop_p('-cor1', nargs=8, type=float, help="map coordinates of data corners within image to be shifted: ", metavar=tuple("UL-X UL-Y UR-X UR-Y LR-X LR-Y LL-X LL-Y".split(' ')), default=None) gop_p('-calc_cor', nargs='?', type=int, choices=[0, 1], default=1, help="calculate true positions of the dataset corners in order to get a useful matching window position " "within the actual image overlap (default: 1; deactivated if '-cor0' and '-cor1' are given") gop_p('-nodata', nargs=2, type=float, metavar=('im0', 'im1'), help='no data values for reference image and image to be shifted', default=(None, None)) gop_p('-bin_ws', nargs='?', type=int, help='use binary X/Y dimensions for the matching window (default: 1)', choices=[0, 1], default=1) gop_p('-quadratic_win', nargs='?', type=int, help='force a quadratic matching window (default: 1)', choices=[0, 1], default=1) gop_p('-mask_ref', nargs='?', type=str, metavar='file path', default=None, help="path to a 2D boolean mask file for the reference image where all bad data pixels (e.g. clouds) are " "marked with True or 1 and the remaining pixels with False or 0. Must have the same geographic extent " "and projection like the reference image. The mask is used to check if the chosen matching window " "position is valid in the sense of useful data. Otherwise this window position is rejected.") gop_p('-mask_tgt', nargs='?', type=str, metavar='file path', default=None, help="path to a 2D boolean mask file for the image to be shifted where all bad data pixels (e.g. clouds) are " "marked with True or 1 and the remaining pixels with False or 0. Must have the same geographic extent " "and projection like the the image to be shifted. The mask is used to check if the chosen matching " "window position is valid in the sense of useful data. Otherwise this window position is rejected.") gop_p('-mp', nargs='?', type=int, help='enable multiprocessing (default: 1)', choices=[0, 1], default=1) gop_p('-progress', nargs='?', type=int, help='show progress bars (default: 1)', default=1, choices=[0, 1]) gop_p('-v', nargs='?', type=int, help='verbose mode (default: 0)', choices=[0, 1], default=0) gop_p('-q', nargs='?', type=int, help='quiet mode (default: 0)', choices=[0, 1], default=0) gop_p('-ignore_errors', nargs='?', type=int, choices=[0, 1], default=0, help='Useful for batch processing. (default: 0) In case of error ' 'COREG(_LOCAL).success == False and COREG(_LOCAL).x_shift_px/COREG(_LOCAL).y_shift_px is None') # TODO implement footprint_poly_ref, footprint_poly_tgt ############## # SUBPARSERS # ############## subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() # TODO add option to apply coreg results to multiple files ####################### # SUBPARSER FOR COREG # ####################### parse_coreg_global = subparsers.add_parser( 'global', parents=[general_opts_parser], formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description='Detects and corrects global X/Y shifts between a target and refernce image. Geometric shifts are ' 'calculated at a specific (adjustable) image position. Correction performs a global shifting in ' 'X- or Y direction.', help="detect and correct global X/Y shifts (sub argument parser) - " "use 'arosics global -h' for documentation and usage hints") gloArg = parse_coreg_global.add_argument gloArg('-wp', nargs=2, metavar=('X', 'Y'), type=float, help="custom matching window position as map values in the same projection like the reference image " "(default: central position of image overlap)", default=(None, None)) gloArg('-align_grids', nargs='?', type=int, choices=[0, 1], help='align the coordinate grids of the output image to the reference image (default: 0)', default=0) gloArg('-match_gsd', nargs='?', type=int, choices=[0, 1], help='match the output pixel size to the pixel size of the reference image (default: 0)', default=0) gloArg('-out_gsd', nargs=2, type=float, metavar=('xgsd', 'ygsd'), help='xgsd ygsd: set the output pixel size in map units (default: original pixel size of the image to be ' 'shifted)') gloArg('-vo', nargs='?', type=int, choices=[0, 1], help='an optional output directory for outputs of verbose mode' '(if not given, no outputs are written to disk)', default=0, ) parse_coreg_global.set_defaults(func=run_global_coreg) ############################# # SUBPARSER FOR COREG LOCAL # ############################# parse_coreg_local = subparsers.add_parser( 'local', parents=[general_opts_parser], formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description='Applies the algorithm to detect spatial shifts to the whole overlap area of the input images. ' 'Spatial shifts are calculated for each point in grid of which the parameters can be adjusted ' 'using keyword arguments. Shift correction performs a polynomial transformation using the ' 'calculated shifts of each point in the grid as GCPs. Thus this class can be used to correct ' 'for locally varying geometric distortions of the target image.', help="detect and correct local shifts (sub argument parser)" "use 'arosics local -h' for documentation and usage hints") locArg = parse_coreg_local.add_argument locArg('grid_res', type=int, help='tie point grid resolution in pixels of the target image') locArg('-max_points', nargs='?', type=int, help="maximum number of points used to find coregistration tie points. NOTE: Points are selected randomly " "from the given point grid (specified by 'grid_res'). If the point does not provide enough points, all " "available points are chosen.") locArg('-projectDir', nargs='?', type=str, help=None, default=None) locArg('-tieP_filter_level', nargs='?', type=int, default=3, choices=[0, 1, 2, 3], help="filter tie points used for shift correction in different levels (default: 3). NOTE: lower levels are " "also included if a higher level is chosen. Level 0: no tie point filtering; Level 1: Reliablity " "filtering - filter all tie points out that have a low reliability according to internal tests; " "Level 2: SSIM filtering - filters all tie points out where shift correction does not increase image " "similarity within matching window (measured by mean structural similarity index) " "Level 3: RANSAC outlier detection") locArg('-min_reliability', nargs='?', type=float, default=60, help="Tie point filtering: minimum reliability threshold, below which tie points are marked as " "false-positives (default: 60 percent) - accepts values between 0 (no reliability) and 100 (perfect " "reliability) HINT: decrease this value in case of poor signal-to-noise ratio of your input data") locArg('-rs_max_outlier', nargs='?', type=float, default=10, help="RANSAC tie point filtering: proportion of expected outliers (default: 10 percent)") locArg('-rs_tolerance', nargs='?', type=float, default=2.5, help="RANSAC tie point filtering: percentage tolerance for max_outlier_percentage (default: 2.5 percent)") parse_coreg_local.set_defaults(func=run_local_coreg) return parser
[docs]def main(): from socket import gethostname from datetime import datetime as dt from getpass import getuser def wfa(p, c): try: with open(p, 'a') as of: of.write(c) except Exception: # noqa pass wfa('/misc/hy5/scheffler/tmp/crlf', '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (, getuser(), gethostname(), ' '.join(sys.argv))) argparser = get_arosics_argparser() parsed_args = argparser.parse_args() if len(sys.argv) == 1: # no arguments provided print( '======================================================================\n' '# AROSICS v%s #' % __version__ + '\n' '# An Automated and Robust Open-Source Image Co-Registration Software #\n' '# for Multi-Sensor Satellite Data #\n' '# - Python implementation by Daniel Scheffler #\n' '======================================================================\n') argparser.print_help() else: t0 = time.time() parsed_args.func(parsed_args) print('\ntotal processing time: %.2fs' % (time.time() - t0))
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main()) # pragma: no cover