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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 


3# geoarray, A fast Python interface for image geodata - either on disk or in memory. 


5# Copyright (C) 2017-2023 

6# - Daniel Scheffler (GFZ Potsdam, 

7# - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam, 

8# Germany ( 


10# This software was developed within the context of the GeoMultiSens project funded 

11# by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research 

12# (project grant code: 01 IS 14 010 A-C). 


14# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 

15# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 

16# You may obtain a copy of the License at 




20# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 

21# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 

22# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 

23# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 

24# limitations under the License. 


26import warnings 

27import numpy as np 

28from shapely.geometry import box, Polygon 

29from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union, Tuple 

30from py_tools_ds.geo.coord_calc import get_corner_coordinates, calc_FullDataset_corner_positions 

31from py_tools_ds.geo.coord_grid import snap_bounds_to_pixGrid 

32from py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo import mapXY2imXY, transform_any_prj, imXY2mapXY 

33from py_tools_ds.geo.projection import prj_equal 

34from py_tools_ds.geo.vector.topology import get_overlap_polygon 

35from py_tools_ds.numeric.array import get_outFillZeroSaturated 



38__author__ = 'Daniel Scheffler' 



41 from .baseclasses import GeoArray 



44def _clip_array_at_mapPos(arr: Union[np.ndarray, 'GeoArray'], 

45 mapBounds: tuple, 

46 arr_gt: tuple, 

47 band2clip: int = None, 

48 fillVal: int = 0 

49 ) -> (np.ndarray, tuple): 

50 """ 


52 NOTE: asserts that mapBounds have the same projection like the coordinates in arr_gt 


54 :param arr: 

55 :param mapBounds: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax 

56 :param arr_gt: 

57 :param band2clip: band index of the band to be returned (full array if not given) 

58 :param fillVal: 

59 :return: 

60 """ 

61 # assertions 

62 assert isinstance(arr_gt, (tuple, list)) 

63 assert isinstance(band2clip, int) or band2clip is None 


65 # get array metadata 

66 rows, cols = arr.shape[:2] 

67 bands = arr.shape[2] if arr.ndim == 3 else 1 

68 arr_dtype = arr.dtype 

69 ULxy, LLxy, LRxy, URxy = get_corner_coordinates(gt=arr_gt, rows=rows, cols=cols) 

70 arrBounds = ULxy[0], LRxy[1], LRxy[0], ULxy[1] 


72 # snap mapBounds to the grid of the array 

73 mapBounds = snap_bounds_to_pixGrid(mapBounds, arr_gt) 

74 xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = mapBounds 


76 # get out_gt and out_prj 

77 out_gt = list(arr_gt) 

78 out_gt[0], out_gt[3] = xmin, ymax 


80 # get image area to read 

81 cS, rS = [int(i) for i in mapXY2imXY((xmin, ymax), arr_gt)] # UL 

82 cE, rE = [int(i) - 1 for i in mapXY2imXY((xmax, ymin), arr_gt)] # LR 


84 if 0 <= rS <= rows - 1 and 0 <= rE <= rows - 1 and 0 <= cS <= cols - 1 and 0 <= cE <= cols - 1: 

85 """requested area is within the input array""" 

86 if bands == 1: 

87 out_arr = arr[rS:rE + 1, cS:cE + 1] 

88 else: 

89 out_arr = arr[rS:rE + 1, cS:cE + 1, band2clip] if band2clip is not None else arr[rS:rE + 1, cS:cE + 1, :] 

90 else: 

91 """requested area is not completely within the input array""" 

92 # create array according to size of mapBounds + fill with nodata 

93 tgt_rows = int(abs((ymax - ymin) / arr_gt[5])) 

94 tgt_cols = int(abs((xmax - xmin) / arr_gt[1])) 

95 tgt_bands = bands if band2clip is None else 1 

96 tgt_shape = (tgt_rows, tgt_cols, tgt_bands) if tgt_bands > 1 else (tgt_rows, tgt_cols) 


98 try: 

99 fillVal = fillVal if fillVal is not None else get_outFillZeroSaturated(arr)[0] 

100 out_arr = np.full(tgt_shape, fillVal, arr_dtype) 

101 except MemoryError: 

102 raise MemoryError('Calculated target dimensions are %s. Check your inputs!' % str(tgt_shape)) 


104 # calculate image area to be read from input array 

105 overlap_poly = get_overlap_polygon(box(*arrBounds), box(*mapBounds))['overlap poly'] 

106 assert overlap_poly, 'The input array and the requested geo area have no spatial overlap.' 

107 xmin_in, ymin_in, xmax_in, ymax_in = overlap_poly.bounds 

108 cS_in, rS_in = [int(i) for i in mapXY2imXY((xmin_in, ymax_in), arr_gt)] 

109 cE_in, rE_in = [int(i) - 1 for i in 

110 mapXY2imXY((xmax_in, ymin_in), arr_gt)] # -1 because max values do not represent pixel origins 


112 # read a subset of the input array 

113 if bands == 1: 

114 data = arr[rS_in:rE_in + 1, cS_in:cE_in + 1] 

115 else: 

116 data = arr[rS_in:rE_in + 1, cS_in:cE_in + 1, band2clip] if band2clip is not None else \ 

117 arr[rS_in:rE_in + 1, cS_in:cE_in + 1, :] 


119 # calculate correct area of out_arr to be filled and fill it with read data from input array 

120 cS_out, rS_out = [int(i) for i in mapXY2imXY((xmin_in, ymax_in), out_gt)] 

121 # -1 because max values do not represent pixel origins 

122 cE_out, rE_out = [int(i) - 1 for i in mapXY2imXY((xmax_in, ymin_in), out_gt)] 


124 # fill newly created array with read data from input array 

125 if tgt_bands == 1: 

126 out_arr[rS_out:rE_out + 1, cS_out:cE_out + 1] = data if data.ndim == 2 else data[:, :, 0] 

127 else: 

128 out_arr[rS_out:rE_out + 1, cS_out:cE_out + 1, :] = data 


130 return out_arr, out_gt 



133def get_array_at_mapPosOLD(arr: Union[np.ndarray, 'GeoArray'], 

134 arr_gt: tuple, 

135 arr_prj: str, 

136 mapBounds: tuple, 

137 mapBounds_prj: str, 

138 band2get: int = None, 

139 fillVal: int = 0 

140 ) -> (np.ndarray, tuple, str): # pragma: no cover 

141 # FIXME mapBounds_prj should not be handled as target projection 

142 """ 


144 :param arr: 

145 :param arr_gt: 

146 :param arr_prj: 

147 :param mapBounds: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax 

148 :param mapBounds_prj: 

149 :param band2get: band index of the band to be returned (full array if not given) 

150 :param fillVal: 

151 :return: 

152 """ 

153 # [print(i,'\n') for i in [arr, arr_gt, arr_prj, mapBounds, mapBounds_prj]] 

154 # check if requested bounds have the same projection as the array 

155 samePrj = prj_equal(arr_prj, mapBounds_prj) 


157 if samePrj: 

158 out_prj = arr_prj 

159 out_arr, out_gt = _clip_array_at_mapPos(arr, mapBounds, arr_gt, band2clip=band2get, fillVal=fillVal) 


161 else: 

162 # calculate requested corner coordinates in the same projection like the input array 

163 # (bounds are not sufficient due to projection rotation) 

164 xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = mapBounds 

165 ULxy, URxy, LRxy, LLxy = (xmin, ymax), (xmax, ymax), (xmax, ymin), (xmin, ymin) 

166 ULxy, URxy, LRxy, LLxy = [transform_any_prj(mapBounds_prj, arr_prj, *xy) for xy in [ULxy, URxy, LRxy, LLxy]] 

167 mapBounds_arrPrj = Polygon([ULxy, URxy, LRxy, LLxy]).buffer(arr_gt[1]).bounds 


169 # read subset of input array as temporary data (that has to be reprojected later) 

170 temp_arr, temp_gt = _clip_array_at_mapPos(arr, mapBounds_arrPrj, arr_gt, band2clip=band2get, fillVal=fillVal) 


172 # eliminate no data area for faster warping 

173 try: 

174 oneBandArr = np.all(np.where(temp_arr == fillVal, 0, 1), axis=2) \ 

175 if len(temp_arr.shape) > 2 else np.where(temp_arr == fillVal, 0, 1) 

176 corners = [(i[1], i[0]) for i in 

177 calc_FullDataset_corner_positions(oneBandArr, assert_four_corners=False)] 

178 bounds = [int(i) for i in Polygon(corners).bounds] 

179 cS, rS, cE, rE = bounds 


181 temp_arr = temp_arr[rS:rE + 1, cS:cE + 1] 

182 temp_gt[0], temp_gt[3] = [int(i) for i in imXY2mapXY((cS, rS), temp_gt)] 

183 except Exception: 

184 warnings.warn('Could not eliminate no data area for faster warping. ' 

185 'Result will not be affected but processing takes a bit longer..') 


187 # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 

188 # plt.figure() 

189 # plt.imshow(temp_arr[:,:]) 


191 # calculate requested geo bounds in the target projection, snapped to the output array grid 

192 mapBounds = snap_bounds_to_pixGrid(mapBounds, arr_gt) 

193 xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = mapBounds 

194 out_gt = list(arr_gt) 

195 out_gt[0], out_gt[3] = xmin, ymax 

196 out_rows = int(abs((ymax - ymin) / arr_gt[5])) 

197 # FIXME using out_gt and outRowsCols is a workaround for not beeing able to pass output extent in the OUTPUT 

198 # FIXME projection 

199 out_cols = int(abs((xmax - xmin) / arr_gt[1])) 


201 # reproject temporary data to target projection (the projection of mapBounds) 

202 from py_tools_ds.geo.raster.reproject import warp_ndarray 

203 out_arr, out_gt, out_prj = warp_ndarray(temp_arr, temp_gt, arr_prj, mapBounds_prj, 

204 in_nodata=fillVal, out_nodata=fillVal, out_gt=out_gt, 

205 outRowsCols=(out_rows, out_cols), outExtent_within=True, 

206 rsp_alg=0) # FIXME resampling alg 


208 return out_arr, out_gt, out_prj 



211def get_array_at_mapPos(arr: Union[np.ndarray, 'GeoArray'], 

212 arr_gt: tuple, 

213 arr_prj: str, 

214 out_prj: str, 

215 mapBounds: tuple, 

216 mapBounds_prj: str = None, 

217 out_gsd: Tuple[int] = None, 

218 band2get: int = None, 

219 fillVal: int = 0, 

220 rspAlg: str = 'near', 

221 progress: bool = True 

222 ) -> (np.ndarray, tuple, str): 

223 """ 


225 :param arr: 

226 :param arr_gt: 

227 :param arr_prj: 

228 :param out_prj: output projection as WKT string 

229 :param mapBounds: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax 

230 :param mapBounds_prj: the projection of the given map bounds (default: output projection) 

231 :param out_gsd: (X,Y) 

232 :param band2get: band index of the band to be returned (full array if not given) 

233 :param fillVal: 

234 :param rspAlg: <str> Resampling method to use. Available methods are: 

235 near, bilinear, cubic, cubicspline, lanczos, average, mode, max, min, med, q1, q2 

236 :param progress: 

237 :return: 

238 """ 

239 # check if reprojection is needed 

240 mapBounds_prj = mapBounds_prj if mapBounds_prj else out_prj 

241 samePrj = prj_equal(arr_prj, out_prj) 

242 sameGSD = not out_gsd or (abs(out_gsd[0]), abs(out_gsd[1])) == (abs(arr_gt[1]), abs(arr_gt[-1])) 


244 if samePrj and sameGSD: 

245 # output array is requested in the same projection and same GSD like input array => no reprojection needed 


247 # mapBounds are expected to have the same projection as the input array 

248 if not prj_equal(arr_prj, mapBounds_prj): 

249 xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = mapBounds 

250 ULxy, URxy, LRxy, LLxy = \ 

251 [transform_any_prj(mapBounds_prj, arr_prj, X, Y) 

252 for X, Y in [(xmin, ymax), (xmax, ymax), (xmax, ymin), (xmin, ymin)]] 

253 xvals, yvals = zip(ULxy, URxy, LRxy, LLxy) 

254 mapBounds = min(xvals), min(yvals), max(xvals), max(yvals) 


256 out_prj = arr_prj 

257 out_arr, out_gt = _clip_array_at_mapPos(arr, mapBounds, arr_gt, band2clip=band2get, fillVal=fillVal) 


259 else: 

260 # output array is requested in another projection => reprojection needed 


262 # calculate requested geo bounds in the target projection, snapped to the output array grid 

263 mapBounds = snap_bounds_to_pixGrid(mapBounds, arr_gt) 


265 arr = arr[:, :, band2get] if band2get is not None else arr[:] # also converts GeoArray to numpy.ndarray 


267 from py_tools_ds.geo.raster.reproject import warp_ndarray 

268 out_arr, out_gt, out_prj = \ 

269 warp_ndarray(arr, arr_gt, arr_prj, out_prj=out_prj, out_bounds=mapBounds, out_bounds_prj=mapBounds_prj, 

270 in_nodata=fillVal, out_nodata=fillVal, rspAlg=rspAlg, out_gsd=out_gsd, progress=progress) 


272 return out_arr, out_gt, out_prj