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68 statements  

1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 


3# py_tools_ds - A collection of geospatial data analysis tools that simplify standard 

4# operations when handling geospatial raster and vector data as well as projections. 


6# Copyright (C) 2016-2021 

7# - Daniel Scheffler (GFZ Potsdam, 

8# - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam, 

9# Germany ( 


11# This software was developed within the context of the GeoMultiSens project funded 

12# by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research 

13# (project grant code: 01 IS 14 010 A-C). 


15# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 

16# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 

17# You may obtain a copy of the License at 




21# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 

22# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 

23# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 

24# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 

25# limitations under the License. 


27import numpy as np 

28import warnings 

29import multiprocessing 

30from pkgutil import find_loader 


32# custom 

33from pyproj import CRS 

34from osgeo import gdal, gdal_array 


36from ...dtypes.conversion import dTypeDic_NumPy2GDAL 

37from ..projection import WKT2EPSG, isProjectedOrGeographic, prj_equal 

38from ..coord_trafo import pixelToLatLon, transform_any_prj 

39from ..coord_calc import corner_coord_to_minmax, get_corner_coordinates 

40from import get_GDAL_ds_inmem 

41from ...processing.progress_mon import ProgressBar 


43__author__ = "Daniel Scheffler" 



46def warp_ndarray_rasterio(ndarray, in_gt, in_prj, out_prj, out_gt=None, outRowsCols=None, outUL=None, out_res=None, 

47 out_extent=None, out_dtype=None, rsp_alg=0, in_nodata=None, out_nodata=None, 

48 outExtent_within=True): # pragma: no cover 

49 """Reproject / warp a numpy array with given geo information to target coordinate system. 


51 :param ndarray: numpy.ndarray [rows,cols,bands] 

52 :param in_gt: input gdal GeoTransform 

53 :param in_prj: input projection as WKT string 

54 :param out_prj: output projection as WKT string 

55 :param out_gt: output gdal GeoTransform as float tuple in the source coordinate system (optional) 

56 :param outUL: [X,Y] output upper left coordinates as floats in the source coordinate system 

57 (requires outRowsCols) 

58 :param outRowsCols: [rows, cols] (optional) 

59 :param out_res: output resolution as tuple of floats (x,y) in the TARGET coordinate system 

60 :param out_extent: [left, bottom, right, top] as floats in the source coordinate system 

61 :param out_dtype: output data type as numpy data type 

62 :param rsp_alg: Resampling method to use. One of the following (int, default is 0): 

63 0 = nearest neighbour, 1 = bilinear, 2 = cubic, 3 = cubic spline, 4 = lanczos, 

64 5 = average, 6 = mode 

65 :param in_nodata: no data value of the input image 

66 :param out_nodata: no data value of the output image 

67 :param outExtent_within: Ensures that the output extent is within the input extent. 

68 Otherwise an exception is raised. 

69 :return out_arr: warped numpy array 

70 :return out_gt: warped gdal GeoTransform 

71 :return out_prj: warped projection as WKT string 

72 """ 

73 if not find_loader('rasterio'): 

74 raise ImportError('This function requires rasterio. You need to install it manually ' 

75 '(conda install -c conda-forge rasterio). It is not automatically installed.') 


77 # NOTE: rasterio seems to increase the number of objects with static TLS 

78 # There is a maximum number and if this is exceeded an ImportError is raised: 

79 # ImportError: dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS 

80 # - see also: 

81 # - NOTE: importing rasterio AFTER pyresample (which uses pykdtree) seems to solve that too 

82 # => keep the rasterio import within the function locals to avoid not needed imports 

83 import rasterio 

84 from rasterio.warp import reproject as rio_reproject 

85 from rasterio.warp import calculate_default_transform as rio_calc_transform 

86 from rasterio.warp import Resampling 


88 if not ndarray.flags['OWNDATA']: 

89 temp = np.empty_like(ndarray) 

90 temp[:] = ndarray 

91 ndarray = temp # deep copy: converts view to its own array in order to avoid wrong output 


93 with rasterio.env.Env(): 

94 if outUL is not None: 

95 assert outRowsCols is not None, 'outRowsCols must be given if outUL is given.' 

96 outUL = [in_gt[0], in_gt[3]] if outUL is None else outUL 


98 inEPSG, outEPSG = [WKT2EPSG(prj) for prj in [in_prj, out_prj]] 

99 assert inEPSG, 'Could not derive input EPSG code.' 

100 assert outEPSG, 'Could not derive output EPSG code.' 

101 assert in_nodata is None or isinstance(in_nodata, (int, float)), \ 

102 'Received invalid input nodata value: %s; type: %s.' % (in_nodata, type(in_nodata)) 

103 assert out_nodata is None or isinstance(out_nodata, (int, float)), \ 

104 'Received invalid output nodata value: %s; type: %s.' % (out_nodata, type(out_nodata)) 


106 src_crs = {'init': 'EPSG:%s' % inEPSG} 

107 dst_crs = {'init': 'EPSG:%s' % outEPSG} 


109 if len(ndarray.shape) == 3: 

110 # convert input array axis order to rasterio axis order 

111 ndarray = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(ndarray, 0, 2), 1, 2) 

112 bands, rows, cols = ndarray.shape 

113 rows, cols = outRowsCols if outRowsCols else (rows, cols) 

114 else: 

115 rows, cols = ndarray.shape if outRowsCols is None else outRowsCols 


117 # set dtypes ensuring at least int16 (int8 is not supported by rasterio) 

118 in_dtype = ndarray.dtype 

119 out_dtype = ndarray.dtype if out_dtype is None else out_dtype 

120 out_dtype = np.int16 if str(out_dtype) == 'int8' else out_dtype 

121 ndarray = ndarray.astype(np.int16) if str(in_dtype) == 'int8' else ndarray 


123 # get dst_transform 

124 def gt2bounds(gt, r, c): return [gt[0], gt[3] + r * gt[5], gt[0] + c * gt[1], gt[3]] # left, bottom, right, top 


126 if out_gt is None and out_extent is None: 

127 if outRowsCols: 

128 outUL = [in_gt[0], in_gt[3]] if outUL is None else outUL 


130 def ulRC2bounds(ul, r, c): 

131 return [ul[0], ul[1] + r * in_gt[5], ul[0] + c * in_gt[1], ul[1]] # left, bottom, right, top 


133 left, bottom, right, top = ulRC2bounds(outUL, rows, cols) 


135 else: # outRowsCols is None and outUL is None: use in_gt 

136 left, bottom, right, top = gt2bounds(in_gt, rows, cols) 


138 elif out_extent: 

139 left, bottom, right, top = out_extent 


141 else: # out_gt is given 

142 left, bottom, right, top = gt2bounds(in_gt, rows, cols) 


144 if outExtent_within: 

145 # input array is only a window of the actual input array 

146 assert left >= in_gt[0] and right <= (in_gt[0] + (cols + 1) * in_gt[1]) and \ 

147 bottom >= in_gt[3] + (rows + 1) * in_gt[5] and top <= in_gt[3], \ 

148 "out_extent has to be completely within the input image bounds." 


150 if out_res is None: 

151 # get pixel resolution in target coord system 

152 prj_in_out = (isProjectedOrGeographic(in_prj), isProjectedOrGeographic(out_prj)) 

153 assert None not in prj_in_out, 'prj_in_out contains None.' 


155 if prj_in_out[0] == prj_in_out[1]: 

156 out_res = (in_gt[1], abs(in_gt[5])) 


158 elif prj_in_out == ('geographic', 'projected'): 

159 raise NotImplementedError('Different projections are currently not supported.') 


161 else: # ('projected','geographic') 

162 px_size_LatLon = np.array(pixelToLatLon([[1, 1]], geotransform=in_gt, projection=in_prj)) - \ 

163 np.array(pixelToLatLon([[0, 0]], geotransform=in_gt, projection=in_prj)) 

164 out_res = tuple(reversed(abs(px_size_LatLon))) 

165 print('OUT_RES NOCHMAL CHECKEN: ', out_res) 


167 dict_rspInt_rspAlg = \ 

168 {0: Resampling.nearest, 1: Resampling.bilinear, 2: Resampling.cubic, 

169 3: Resampling.cubic_spline, 4: Resampling.lanczos, 5: Resampling.average, 6: Resampling.mode} 


171 var1 = True 

172 if var1: 

173 src_transform = rasterio.transform.from_origin(in_gt[0], in_gt[3], in_gt[1], abs(in_gt[5])) 

174 print('calc_trafo_args') 

175 for i in [src_crs, dst_crs, cols, rows, left, bottom, right, top, out_res]: 

176 print(i, '\n') 

177 left, right, bottom, top = corner_coord_to_minmax(get_corner_coordinates(gt=in_gt, rows=rows, cols=cols)) 


179 dst_transform, out_cols, out_rows = rio_calc_transform( 

180 src_crs, dst_crs, cols, rows, left, bottom, right, top, resolution=out_res) 


182 out_arr = np.zeros((bands, out_rows, out_cols), out_dtype) \ 

183 if len(ndarray.shape) == 3 else np.zeros((out_rows, out_cols), out_dtype) 

184 print(out_res) 

185 for i in [src_transform, src_crs, dst_transform, dst_crs]: 

186 print(i, '\n') 

187 rio_reproject(ndarray, out_arr, src_transform=src_transform, src_crs=src_crs, dst_transform=dst_transform, 

188 dst_crs=dst_crs, resampling=dict_rspInt_rspAlg[rsp_alg], src_nodata=in_nodata, 

189 dst_nodata=out_nodata) 


191 aff = list(dst_transform) 

192 out_gt = out_gt if out_gt else (aff[2], aff[0], aff[1], aff[5], aff[3], aff[4]) 

193 # FIXME sometimes output dimensions are not exactly as requested (1px difference) 

194 else: 

195 dst_transform, out_cols, out_rows = rio_calc_transform( 

196 src_crs, dst_crs, cols, rows, left, bottom, right, top, resolution=out_res) 


198 # check if calculated output dimensions correspond to expected ones and correct them if neccessary 

199 # rows_expected = int(round(abs(top - bottom) / out_res[1], 0)) 

200 # cols_expected = int(round(abs(right - left) / out_res[0], 0)) 


202 # diff_rows_exp_real, diff_cols_exp_real = abs(out_rows - rows_expected), abs(out_cols - cols_expected) 

203 # if diff_rows_exp_real > 0.1 or diff_cols_exp_real > 0.1: 

204 # assert diff_rows_exp_real < 1.1 and diff_cols_exp_real < 1.1, 

205 # 'warp_ndarray: The output image size calculated by rasterio is too far away from the expected output ' 

206 # 'image size.' 

207 # out_rows, out_cols = rows_expected, cols_expected 

208 # fixes an issue where rio_calc_transform() does not return quadratic output image although input parameters 

209 # correspond to a quadratic image and inEPSG equals outEPSG 


211 aff = list(dst_transform) 

212 out_gt = out_gt if out_gt else (aff[2], aff[0], aff[1], aff[5], aff[3], aff[4]) 


214 out_arr = np.zeros((bands, out_rows, out_cols), out_dtype) \ 

215 if len(ndarray.shape) == 3 else np.zeros((out_rows, out_cols), out_dtype) 


217 with warnings.catch_warnings(): 

218 # FIXME supresses: FutureWarning: 

219 # FIXME: GDAL-style transforms are deprecated and will not be supported in Rasterio 1.0. 

220 warnings.simplefilter('ignore') 

221 try: 

222 # print('INPUTS') 

223 # print(ndarray.shape, ndarray.dtype, out_arr.shape, out_arr.dtype) 

224 # print(in_gt) 

225 # print(src_crs) 

226 # print(out_gt) 

227 # print(dst_crs) 

228 # print(dict_rspInt_rspAlg[rsp_alg]) 

229 # print(in_nodata) 

230 # print(out_nodata) 

231 for i in [in_gt, src_crs, out_gt, dst_crs]: 

232 print(i, '\n') 

233 rio_reproject(ndarray, out_arr, 

234 src_transform=in_gt, src_crs=src_crs, dst_transform=out_gt, dst_crs=dst_crs, 

235 resampling=dict_rspInt_rspAlg[rsp_alg], src_nodata=in_nodata, dst_nodata=out_nodata) 

236 # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 

237 # print(out_arr.shape) 

238 # plt.figure() 

239 # plt.imshow(out_arr[:,:,1]) 

240 except KeyError: 

241 print(in_dtype, str(in_dtype)) 

242 print(ndarray.dtype) 


244 # convert output array axis order to GMS axis order [rows,cols,bands] 

245 out_arr = out_arr if len(ndarray.shape) == 2 else np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(out_arr, 0, 1), 1, 2) 


247 if outRowsCols: 

248 out_arr = out_arr[:outRowsCols[0], :outRowsCols[1]] 


250 return out_arr, out_gt, out_prj 



253def warp_ndarray(ndarray, in_gt, in_prj=None, out_prj=None, out_dtype=None, 

254 out_gsd=(None, None), out_bounds=None, out_bounds_prj=None, out_XYdims=(None, None), 

255 rspAlg='near', in_nodata=None, out_nodata=None, in_alpha=False, 

256 out_alpha=False, targetAlignedPixels=False, gcpList=None, polynomialOrder=None, options=None, 

257 transformerOptions=None, warpOptions=None, CPUs=1, warpMemoryLimit=0, progress=True, q=False): 

258 # type: () -> (np.ndarray, tuple, str) 

259 r""" 


261 :param ndarray: numpy array to be warped (or a list of numpy arrays (requires lists for in_gt/in_prj)) 

262 :param in_gt: input GDAL geotransform (or a list of GDAL geotransforms) 

263 :param in_prj: input GDAL projection or list of projections (WKT string, 'EPSG:1234', <EPSG_int>), 

264 default: "LOCAL_CS[\"MAP\"]" 

265 :param out_prj: output GDAL projection (WKT string, 'EPSG:1234', <EPSG_int>), 

266 default: "LOCAL_CS[\"MAP\"]" 

267 :param out_dtype: gdal.DataType 

268 :param out_gsd: 

269 :param out_bounds: [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax] set georeferenced extents of output file to be created, 

270 e.g. [440720, 3750120, 441920, 3751320]) 

271 (in target SRS by default, or in the SRS specified with -te_srs) 

272 :param out_bounds_prj: 

273 :param out_XYdims: 

274 :param rspAlg: <str> Resampling method to use. Available methods are: 

275 near, bilinear, cubic, cubicspline, lanczos, average, mode, max, min, med, q1, q2 

276 :param in_nodata: 

277 :param out_nodata: 

278 :param in_alpha: <bool> Force the last band of a source image to be considered as a source alpha band. 

279 :param out_alpha: <bool> Create an output alpha band to identify nodata (unset/transparent) pixels 

280 :param targetAlignedPixels: (GDAL >= 1.8.0) (target aligned pixels) align the coordinates of the extent 

281 of the output file to the values of the -tr, such that the aligned extent 

282 includes the minimum extent. 

283 :param gcpList: <list> list of ground control points in the output coordinate system 

284 to be used for warping, e.g. [gdal.GCP(mapX,mapY,mapZ,column,row),...] 

285 :param polynomialOrder: <int> order of polynomial GCP interpolation 

286 :param options: <str> additional GDAL options as string, e.g. '-nosrcalpha' or '-order' 

287 :param transformerOptions: <list> list of transformer options, e.g. ['SRC_SRS=invalid'] 

288 :param warpOptions: <list> list of warp options, e.g. ['CUTLINE_ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE'], 

289 find available options here: 

290 :param CPUs: <int> number of CPUs to use (default: None, which means 'all CPUs available') 

291 :param warpMemoryLimit: <int> size of working buffer in bytes (default: 0) 

292 :param progress: <bool> show progress bar (default: True) 

293 :param q: <bool> quiet mode (default: False) 

294 :return: 


296 """ 

297 # TODO complete type hint 

298 # TODO test if this function delivers the exact same output like console version, 

299 # TODO otherwise implment error_threshold=0.125 

300 # how to implement: 


302 # assume local coordinates if no projections are given 

303 if not in_prj and not out_prj: 

304 if out_bounds_prj and not out_bounds_prj.startswith('LOCAL_CS'): 

305 raise ValueError("'out_bounds_prj' cannot have a projection if 'in_prj' and 'out_prj' are not given.") 

306 in_prj = out_prj = out_bounds_prj = "LOCAL_CS[\"MAP\"]" 


308 # ensure GDAL 2 only gets WKT1 strings (WKT2 requires GDAL>=3) 

309 if in_prj and int(gdal.__version__[0]) < 3: 

310 # noinspection PyTypeChecker 

311 in_prj = CRS(in_prj).to_wkt(version="WKT1_GDAL") 

312 if out_prj and int(gdal.__version__[0]) < 3: 

313 # noinspection PyTypeChecker 

314 out_prj = CRS(out_prj).to_wkt(version="WKT1_GDAL") 


316 # assertions 

317 if rspAlg == 'average': 

318 is_avail_rsp_average = int(gdal.VersionInfo()[0]) >= 2 

319 if not is_avail_rsp_average: 

320 warnings.warn("The GDAL version on this machine does not yet support the resampling algorithm 'average'. " 

321 "'cubic' is used instead. To avoid this please update GDAL to a version above 2.0.0!") 

322 rspAlg = 'cubic' 


324 if not isinstance(ndarray, (list, tuple)): 

325 assert str(np.dtype(ndarray.dtype)) in dTypeDic_NumPy2GDAL, "Unknown target datatype '%s'." % ndarray.dtype 

326 else: 

327 assert str(np.dtype(ndarray[0].dtype)) in dTypeDic_NumPy2GDAL, "Unknown target datatype '%s'." \ 

328 % ndarray[0].dtype 

329 assert isinstance(in_gt, (list, tuple)), "If 'ndarray' is a list, 'in_gt' must also be a list!" 

330 assert isinstance(in_prj, (list, tuple)), "If 'ndarray' is a list, 'in_prj' must also be a list!" 

331 assert len(list(set([arr.dtype for arr in ndarray]))) == 1, "Data types of input ndarray list must be equal." 


333 def get_SRS(prjArg): 

334 return prjArg if isinstance(prjArg, str) and prjArg.startswith('EPSG:') else \ 

335 'EPSG:%s' % prjArg if isinstance(prjArg, int) else prjArg 


337 def get_GDT(DT): return dTypeDic_NumPy2GDAL[str(np.dtype(DT))] 


339 in_dtype_np = ndarray.dtype if not isinstance(ndarray, (list, tuple)) else ndarray[0].dtype 


341 # # not yet implemented 

342 # # TODO cutline from OGR datasource. => implement input shapefile or Geopandas dataframe 

343 # cutlineDSName = 'data/cutline.vrt' # '/vsimem/cutline.shp' 

344 # cutlineLayer = 'cutline' 

345 # cropToCutline = False 

346 # cutlineSQL = 'SELECT * FROM cutline' 

347 # cutlineWhere = '1 = 1' 

348 # rpc = [ 

349 # "HEIGHT_OFF=1466.05894327379", 

350 # "HEIGHT_SCALE=144.837606185489", 

351 # "LAT_OFF=38.9266809014185", 

352 # "LAT_SCALE=-0.108324009570885", 

353 # "LINE_DEN_COEFF=" 

354 # "1 -0.000392404256440504 -0.0027925489381758 0.000501819414812054 0.00216726134806561 " 

355 # "-0.00185617059201599 0.000183834173326118 -0.00290342803717354 -0.00207181007131322 -0.000900223247894285 " 

356 # "-0.00132518281680544 0.00165598132063197 0.00681015244696305 0.000547865679631528 0.00516214646283021 " 

357 # "0.00795287690785699 -0.000705040639059332 -0.00254360623317078 -0.000291154885056484 0.00070943440010757", 

358 # "LINE_NUM_COEFF=" 

359 # "-0.000951099635749339 1.41709976082781 -0.939591985038569 -0.00186609235173885 0.00196881101098923 " 

360 # "0.00361741523740639 -0.00282449434932066 0.0115361898794214 -0.00276027843825304 9.37913944402154e-05 " 

361 # "-0.00160950221565737 0.00754053609977256 0.00461831968713819 0.00274991122620312 0.000689605203796422 " 

362 # "-0.0042482778732957 -0.000123966494595151 0.00307976709897974 -0.000563274426174409 0.00049981716767074", 

363 # "LINE_OFF=2199.50159296339", 

364 # "LINE_SCALE=2195.852519621", 

365 # "LONG_OFF=76.0381768085136", 

366 # "LONG_SCALE=0.130066683772651", 

367 # "SAMP_DEN_COEFF=" 

368 # "1 -0.000632078047521022 -0.000544107268758971 0.000172438016778527 -0.00206391734870399 " 

369 # "-0.00204445747536872 -0.000715754551621987 -0.00195545265530244 -0.00168532972557267 -0.00114709980708329 " 

370 # "-0.00699131177532728 0.0038551339822296 0.00283631282133365 -0.00436885468926666 -0.00381335885955994 " 

371 # "0.0018742043611019 -0.0027263909314293 -0.00237054119407013 0.00246374716379501 -0.00121074576302219", 

372 # "SAMP_NUM_COEFF=" 

373 # "0.00249293151551852 -0.581492592442025 -1.00947448466175 0.00121597346320039 -0.00552825219917498 " 

374 # "-0.00194683170765094 -0.00166012459012905 -0.00338315804553888 -0.00152062885009498 -0.000214562164393127 " 

375 # "-0.00219914905535387 -0.000662800177832777 -0.00118644828432841 -0.00180061222825708 -0.00364756875260519 " 

376 # "-0.00287273485650089 -0.000540077934728493 -0.00166800463003749 0.000201057249109451 -8.49620129025469e-05", 

377 # "SAMP_OFF=3300.34602166792", 

378 # "SAMP_SCALE=3297.51222987611" 

379 # ] 


381 """ Create a WarpOptions() object that can be passed to gdal.Warp() 

382 Keyword arguments are : 

383 options --- can be be an array of strings, a string or let empty and filled from other keywords. 

384 format --- output format ("GTiff", etc...) 

385 outputBounds --- output bounds as (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) in target SRS 

386 outputBoundsSRS --- SRS in which output bounds are expressed, in the case they are not expressed in dstSRS 

387 xRes, yRes --- output resolution in target SRS 

388 targetAlignedPixels --- whether to force output bounds to be multiple of output resolution 

389 width --- width of the output raster in pixel 

390 height --- height of the output raster in pixel 

391 srcSRS --- source SRS 

392 dstSRS --- output SRS 

393 srcAlpha --- whether to force the last band of the input dataset to be considered as an alpha band 

394 dstAlpha --- whether to force the creation of an output alpha band 

395 outputType --- output type (gdal.GDT_Byte, etc...) 

396 workingType --- working type (gdal.GDT_Byte, etc...) 

397 warpOptions --- list of warping options 

398 errorThreshold --- error threshold for approximation transformer (in pixels) 

399 warpMemoryLimit --- size of working buffer in bytes 

400 resampleAlg --- resampling mode 

401 creationOptions --- list of creation options 

402 srcNodata --- source nodata value(s) 

403 dstNodata --- output nodata value(s) 

404 multithread --- whether to multithread computation and I/O operations 

405 tps --- whether to use Thin Plate Spline GCP transformer 

406 rpc --- whether to use RPC transformer 

407 geoloc --- whether to use GeoLocation array transformer 

408 polynomialOrder --- order of polynomial GCP interpolation 

409 transformerOptions --- list of transformer options 

410 cutlineDSName --- cutline dataset name 

411 cutlineLayer --- cutline layer name 

412 cutlineWhere --- cutline WHERE clause 

413 cutlineSQL --- cutline SQL statement 

414 cutlineBlend --- cutline blend distance in pixels 

415 cropToCutline --- whether to use cutline extent for output bounds 

416 copyMetadata --- whether to copy source metadata 

417 metadataConflictValue --- metadata data conflict value 

418 setColorInterpretation --- whether to force color interpretation of input bands to output bands 

419 callback --- callback method 

420 callback_data --- user data for callback # value for last parameter of progress callback 

421 """ 


423 # get input dataset (in-MEM) 

424 if not isinstance(ndarray, (list, tuple)): 

425 in_ds = get_GDAL_ds_inmem(ndarray, in_gt, in_prj) 

426 else: 

427 # list of ndarrays 

428 in_ds = [get_GDAL_ds_inmem(arr, gt, prj) for arr, gt, prj in zip(ndarray, in_gt, in_prj)] 


430 # set RPCs 

431 # if rpcList: 

432 # in_ds.SetMetadata(rpc, "RPC") 

433 # transformerOptions = ['RPC_DEM=data/warp_52_dem.tif'] 


435 # use GDALs multiprocessing as long as the current process is not a child process of a multiprocessing main process 

436 # - otherwise, gdal.Warp() hangs with GDAL versions from 3.2.1 and above (does not allow sub-multiprocessing) 

437 if (CPUs is None or CPUs > 1) and multiprocessing.current_process().name == 'MainProcess': 

438 gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_NUM_THREADS', str(CPUs if CPUs else multiprocessing.cpu_count())) 


440 # gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_CACHEMAX', str(800)) 


442 # GDAL Translate if needed 

443 # if gcpList: 

444 # in_ds.SetGCPs(gcpList, in_ds.GetProjection()) 


446 if gcpList: 

447 in_ds = gdal.Translate( 

448 '', in_ds, format='MEM', 

449 outputSRS=get_SRS(out_prj), 

450 GCPs=gcpList, 

451 callback=ProgressBar(prefix='Translating progress', timeout=None) if progress and not q else None 

452 ) 

453 # NOTE: options = ['SPARSE_OK=YES'] ## => what is that for? 


455 # GDAL Warp 

456 res_ds = gdal.Warp( 

457 '', in_ds, format='MEM', 

458 dstSRS=get_SRS(out_prj), 

459 outputType=get_GDT(out_dtype) if out_dtype else get_GDT(in_dtype_np), 

460 xRes=out_gsd[0], 

461 yRes=out_gsd[1], 

462 outputBounds=out_bounds, 

463 outputBoundsSRS=get_SRS(out_bounds_prj), 

464 width=out_XYdims[0], 

465 height=out_XYdims[1], 

466 resampleAlg=rspAlg, 

467 srcNodata=in_nodata, 

468 dstNodata=out_nodata, 

469 srcAlpha=in_alpha, 

470 dstAlpha=out_alpha, 

471 options=options if options else [], 

472 warpOptions=warpOptions or [], 

473 transformerOptions=transformerOptions or [], 

474 targetAlignedPixels=targetAlignedPixels, 

475 tps=True if gcpList else False, 

476 polynomialOrder=polynomialOrder, 

477 warpMemoryLimit=warpMemoryLimit, 

478 callback=ProgressBar(prefix='Warping progress ', timeout=None) if progress and not q else None, 

479 callback_data=[0], 

480 errorThreshold=0.125, # this is needed to get exactly the same output like the console version of GDAL warp 

481 ) 


483 gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_NUM_THREADS', None) 


485 if res_ds is None: 

486 raise Exception('Warping Error: ' + gdal.GetLastErrorMsg()) 


488 # get outputs 

489 res_arr = gdal_array.DatasetReadAsArray(res_ds) 

490 if len(res_arr.shape) == 3: 

491 res_arr = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(res_arr, 0, 2), 0, 1) 


493 res_gt = res_ds.GetGeoTransform() 

494 res_prj = res_ds.GetProjection() 


496 # cleanup 

497 del in_ds, res_ds 


499 # dtype check -> possibly dtype had to be changed for GDAL compatibility 

500 if in_dtype_np != res_arr.dtype: 

501 res_arr = res_arr.astype(in_dtype_np) 


503 # test output 

504 if out_prj and prj_equal(out_prj, 4626): 

505 assert -180 < res_gt[0] < 180 and -90 < res_gt[3] < 90, 'Testing of gdal_warp output failed.' 


507 # output bounds verification 

508 if out_bounds: 

509 if out_bounds_prj and not prj_equal(out_bounds_prj, res_prj): 

510 out_xmin, out_ymin = transform_any_prj(out_bounds_prj, res_prj, *out_bounds[:2]) 

511 out_xmax, out_ymax = transform_any_prj(out_bounds_prj, res_prj, *out_bounds[2:]) 


513 else: 

514 out_xmin, out_ymin, out_xmax, out_ymax = out_bounds 


516 xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = \ 

517 corner_coord_to_minmax(get_corner_coordinates(gt=res_gt, rows=res_arr.shape[0], cols=res_arr.shape[1])) 


519 if False in np.isclose((out_xmin, out_ymin, out_xmax, out_ymax), (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)): 

520 warnings.warn('The output bounds of warp_ndarray do not exactly match the requested bounds!') 


522 return res_arr, res_gt, res_prj