Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# py_tools_ds - A collection of geospatial data analysis tools that simplify standard
# operations when handling geospatial raster and vector data as well as projections.
# Copyright (C) 2016-2024
# - Daniel Scheffler (GFZ Potsdam,
# - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam,
#   Germany (
# This software was developed within the context of the GeoMultiSens project funded
# by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
# (project grant code: 01 IS 14 010 A-C).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

__author__ = "Daniel Scheffler"

import time
import os

import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame
from osgeo import gdal, gdal_array

from ...dtypes.conversion import dTypeDic_NumPy2GDALcompatible

[docs] def get_GDAL_ds_inmem(array: np.ndarray, gt: (float, float, float, float, float, float) = None, prj: str = None, nodata: int = None ) -> gdal.Dataset: """Convert a numpy array into a GDAL dataset. NOTE: Possibly the data type has to be automatically changed in order ensure GDAL compatibility! :param array: in the shape (rows, columns, bands) :param gt: :param prj: :param nodata: nodata value to be set (GDAL seems to have issues with non-int nodata values.) :return: """ # FIXME does not respect different nodata values for each band if len(array.shape) == 3: array = np.rollaxis(array, 2) # rows,cols,bands => bands,rows,cols # convert data type to GDAL compatible data type if gdal_array.NumericTypeCodeToGDALTypeCode(array.dtype) is None: array = array.astype(dTypeDic_NumPy2GDALcompatible[str(np.dtype(array.dtype))]) ds = gdal_array.OpenArray(array) # uses interleave='band' by default if ds is None: raise Exception(gdal.GetLastErrorMsg()) if gt: ds.SetGeoTransform(gt) if prj: ds.SetProjection(prj) if nodata is not None: for i in range(ds.RasterCount): band = ds.GetRasterBand(i + 1) try: # band.SetNoDataValue does not support numpy data types if isinstance(nodata, np.bool_): nodata = bool(nodata) elif isinstance(nodata, np.integer): nodata = int(nodata) elif isinstance(nodata, np.floating): nodata = float(nodata) elif isinstance(nodata, np.ndarray): raise TypeError(nodata, 'A np.ndarray instance is not supported to be set as no-data value.') band.SetNoDataValue(nodata) except TypeError: raise TypeError(type(nodata), 'TypeError while trying to set NoDataValue to %s. ' % nodata) del band ds.FlushCache() # Write to disk. return ds
[docs] def get_GDAL_driverList() -> DataFrame: count = gdal.GetDriverCount() df = DataFrame(np.full((count, 5), np.nan), columns=['drvCode', 'drvLongName', 'ext1', 'ext2', 'ext3']) for i in range(count): drv = gdal.GetDriver(i) if drv.GetMetadataItem(gdal.DCAP_RASTER): meta = drv.GetMetadataItem(gdal.DMD_EXTENSIONS) extensions = meta.split() if meta else [] df.loc[i] = [drv.GetDescription(), drv.GetMetadataItem(gdal.DMD_LONGNAME), extensions[0] if len(extensions) > 0 else np.nan, extensions[1] if len(extensions) > 1 else np.nan, extensions[2] if len(extensions) > 2 else np.nan] df = df.dropna(how='all') return df
[docs] def wait_if_used(path_file: str, lockfile: str, timeout: int = 100, try_kill: bool = False): globs = globals() same_gdalRefs = [k for k, v in globs.items() if isinstance(globs[k], gdal.Dataset) and globs[k].GetDescription() == path_file] t0 = time.time() def update_same_gdalRefs(sRs): return [sR for sR in sRs if sR in globals() and globals()[sR] is not None] while same_gdalRefs != [] or os.path.exists(lockfile): if os.path.exists(lockfile): continue if time.time() - t0 > timeout: if try_kill: for sR in same_gdalRefs: globals()[sR] = None print('had to kill %s' % sR) else: if os.path.exists(lockfile): os.remove(lockfile) raise TimeoutError('The file %s is permanently used by another variable.' % path_file) same_gdalRefs = update_same_gdalRefs(same_gdalRefs)