py_tools_ds.numeric package


py_tools_ds.numeric.array module

py_tools_ds.numeric.array.get_array_tilebounds(array_shape: Iterable, tile_shape: Iterable) List[List[tuple]][source]

Calculate row/col bounds for image tiles according to the given parameters.

  • array_shape – dimensions of array to be tiled: (rows, columns, bands) or (rows, columns)

  • tile_shape – dimensions of target tile: (rows, columns, bands) or (rows, columns)

py_tools_ds.numeric.array.get_outFillZeroSaturated(dtype) tuple[source]

Return proper ‘fill-’, ‘zero-’ and ‘saturated’ values with respect to the given data type.


dtype – data type

py_tools_ds.numeric.numbers module


py_tools_ds.numeric.vector module

py_tools_ds.numeric.vector.find_nearest(array: Iterable, value: float, roundAlg: str = 'auto', extrapolate: bool = False, exclude_val: bool = False, tolerance: float = 0) float[source]

Find the value of an array nearest to a another single value.

NOTE: In case of extrapolation an EQUALLY INCREMENTED array (like a coordinate grid) is assumed!

  • array – array or list of numbers

  • value – a number

  • roundAlg – <str> ‘auto’, ‘on’, ‘off’

  • extrapolate – extrapolate the given array if the given value is outside the array

  • exclude_val – exclude the given value from possible return values

  • tolerance – tolerance (with array = [10, 20, 30] and value=19.9 and roundAlg=’off’ and tolerance=0.1, 20 is returned)

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