Source code for py_tools_ds.geo.coord_calc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# py_tools_ds - A collection of geospatial data analysis tools that simplify standard
# operations when handling geospatial raster and vector data as well as projections.
# Copyright (C) 2016-2024
# - Daniel Scheffler (GFZ Potsdam,
# - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam,
#   Germany (
# This software was developed within the context of the GeoMultiSens project funded
# by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
# (project grant code: 01 IS 14 010 A-C).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import warnings
from typing import Iterable, Tuple
import numpy as np

# custom
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

__author__ = "Daniel Scheffler"

[docs] def get_corner_coordinates(gt, cols, rows): """Return (ULxy, LLxy, LRxy, URxy) in the same coordinate units like the given geotransform.""" ext = [] xarr = [0, cols] yarr = [0, rows] for px in xarr: for py in yarr: x = gt[0] + (px * gt[1]) + (py * gt[2]) y = gt[3] + (px * gt[4]) + (py * gt[5]) ext.append([x, y]) yarr.reverse() return ext
[docs] def calc_FullDataset_corner_positions(mask_1bit: np.ndarray, assert_four_corners: bool = True, algorithm: str = 'shapely' ) -> list: """Calculate the image coordinates of the true data corners from a nodata mask. NOTE: Algorithm 'shapely' calculates the corner coordinates of the convex hull of the given mask. Since the convex hull not always reflects all the true corner coordinates the result can have a limitation in this regard. :param mask_1bit: 2D-numpy array 1bit :param assert_four_corners: whether to assert four corners or not :param algorithm: shapely' or 'numpy' (default: 'shapely') :return: [UL, UR, LL, LR] as [(ULrow,ULcol),(URrow,URcol),...] """ # check if the mask extent covers real data or only nodata pixVals = np.unique(mask_1bit) if not (True in pixVals or 1 in pixVals): # 'According to the given mask the mask extent is completely outside the image. # No calculation of image corner coordinates possible.' return [] rows, cols = mask_1bit.shape[:2] if sum([mask_1bit[0, 0], mask_1bit[0, cols - 1], mask_1bit[rows - 1, 0], mask_1bit[rows - 1, cols - 1]]) == 4: # if mask contains pixel value 1 in all the four corners: return outer corner coords out = [(0, 0), (0, cols - 1), (rows - 1, 0), (rows - 1, cols - 1)] # UL, UR, LL, LR else: assert algorithm in ['shapely', 'numpy'], "Algorithm '%' does not exist. Choose between 'shapely' and 'numpy'." if algorithm == 'shapely': # get outline topbottom = np.empty((1, 2 * mask_1bit.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint16) topbottom[0, 0:mask_1bit.shape[1]] = np.argmax(mask_1bit, axis=0) topbottom[0, mask_1bit.shape[1]:] = (mask_1bit.shape[0] - 1) - np.argmax(np.flipud(mask_1bit), axis=0) mask = np.tile(np.any(mask_1bit, axis=0), (2,)) xvalues = np.tile(np.arange(mask_1bit.shape[1]), (1, 2)) outline = np.vstack([topbottom, xvalues])[:, mask].T with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') # FIXME not working poly = Polygon(outline).convex_hull poly = poly.simplify(20, preserve_topology=True) poly = Polygon(list(set( poly.exterior.coords))).convex_hull # eliminiate duplicates except of 1 (because poly is closed) unique_corn_YX = sorted(set(poly.exterior.coords), key=lambda x: poly.exterior.coords[:].index(x)) # [(rows,cols),rows,cols] if assert_four_corners or len(unique_corn_YX) == 4: # sort calculated corners like this: [UL, UR, LL, LR] assert len(unique_corn_YX) == 4, \ 'Found %s unique corner coordinates instead of 4. Exiting.' % len(unique_corn_YX) def get_dist(P1yx, P2yx): return np.sqrt((P1yx[0] - P2yx[0]) ** 2 + (P1yx[1] - P2yx[1]) ** 2) def get_closest(tgtYX, srcYXs): return srcYXs[np.array([get_dist(tgtYX, srcYX) for srcYX in srcYXs]).argmin()] out = [get_closest(tgtYX, unique_corn_YX) for tgtYX in [(0, 0), (0, cols - 1), (rows - 1, 0), (rows - 1, cols - 1)]] else: out = unique_corn_YX else: # alg='numpy' cols_containing_data = np.any(mask_1bit, axis=0) rows_containing_data = np.any(mask_1bit, axis=1) first_dataCol = list(cols_containing_data).index(True) last_dataCol = cols - (list(reversed(cols_containing_data)).index(True) + 1) first_dataRow = list(rows_containing_data).index(True) last_dataRow = rows - (list(reversed(rows_containing_data)).index(True) + 1) StartStopRows_in_first_dataCol = [list(mask_1bit[:, first_dataCol]).index(True), (rows - list(reversed(mask_1bit[:, first_dataCol])).index(True) + 1)] StartStopRows_in_last_dataCol = [list(mask_1bit[:, last_dataCol]).index(True), (rows - list(reversed(mask_1bit[:, last_dataCol])).index(True) + 1)] StartStopCols_in_first_dataRow = [list(mask_1bit[first_dataRow, :]).index(True), (cols - list(reversed(mask_1bit[first_dataRow, :])).index(True) + 1)] StartStopCols_in_last_dataRow = [list(mask_1bit[last_dataRow, :]).index(True), (cols - list(reversed(mask_1bit[last_dataRow, :])).index(True) + 1)] if True in [abs(np.diff(i)[0]) > 10 for i in [StartStopRows_in_first_dataCol, StartStopRows_in_last_dataCol, StartStopCols_in_first_dataRow, StartStopCols_in_last_dataRow]]: # In case of cut image corners (e.g. ALOS AVNIR-2 Level-1B2): # Calculation of trueDataCornerPos outside of the image.''' line_N = ((StartStopCols_in_first_dataRow[1], first_dataRow), (last_dataCol, StartStopRows_in_last_dataCol[0])) line_S = ((first_dataCol, StartStopRows_in_first_dataCol[1]), (StartStopCols_in_last_dataRow[0], last_dataRow)) line_W = ((StartStopCols_in_first_dataRow[0], first_dataRow), (first_dataCol, StartStopRows_in_first_dataCol[0])) line_O = ((last_dataCol, StartStopRows_in_last_dataCol[1]), (StartStopCols_in_last_dataRow[1], last_dataRow)) from .vector.topology import find_line_intersection_point # import here avoids circular dependencies corners = [list(reversed(find_line_intersection_point(line_N, line_W))), list(reversed(find_line_intersection_point(line_N, line_O))), list(reversed(find_line_intersection_point(line_S, line_W))), list(reversed(find_line_intersection_point(line_S, line_O)))] else: dataRow_in_first_dataCol = np.mean(StartStopRows_in_first_dataCol) dataRow_in_last_dataCol = np.mean(StartStopRows_in_last_dataCol) dataCol_in_first_dataRow = np.mean(StartStopCols_in_first_dataRow) dataCol_in_last_dataRow = np.mean(StartStopCols_in_last_dataRow) corners = [(first_dataRow, dataCol_in_first_dataRow), (dataRow_in_last_dataCol, last_dataCol), (last_dataRow, dataCol_in_last_dataRow), (dataRow_in_first_dataCol, first_dataCol)] def get_closest(refR, refC): return corners[np.array([np.sqrt((refR - c[0]) ** 2 + (refC - c[1]) ** 2) for c in corners]).argmin()] # FIXME this can also result in only 2 corners out = [get_closest(refR, refC) for refR, refC in [(0, 0), (0, cols - 1), (rows - 1, 0), (rows - 1, cols - 1)]] # if UL[0] == 0 and UR[0] == 0: # envi.save_image(os.path.abspath('./testing/out/__faulty_mask_1bit.hdr'), # self.mask_1bit, dtype= 'uint8', interleave='bsq', ext='.bsq',force=True) # print(UL,UR,LL,LR) return out
[docs] def corner_coord_to_minmax( corner_coords: Iterable[Tuple[float, float]] ) -> (float, float, float, float): """Return the bounding coordinates for a given set of XY coordinates. :param corner_coords: four XY tuples of corner coordinates. Their order does not matter. :return: xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax """ x_vals, y_vals = zip(*corner_coords) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = min(x_vals), max(x_vals), min(y_vals), max(y_vals) return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax