py_tools_ds.geo package



py_tools_ds.geo.coord_calc module

py_tools_ds.geo.coord_calc.calc_FullDataset_corner_positions(mask_1bit: numpy.ndarray, assert_four_corners: bool = True, algorithm: str = 'shapely') list[source]

Calculate the image coordinates of the true data corners from a nodata mask.

NOTE: Algorithm ‘shapely’ calculates the corner coordinates of the convex hull of the given mask. Since the convex hull not always reflects all of the true corner coordinates the result can have a limitation in this regard.

  • mask_1bit – 2D-numpy array 1bit

  • assert_four_corners – <bool> whether to assert four corners or not

  • algorithm – <str> ‘shapely’ or ‘numpy’ (default: ‘shapely’)


[UL, UR, LL, LR] as [(ULrow,ULcol),(URrow,URcol),…]

py_tools_ds.geo.coord_calc.corner_coord_to_minmax(corner_coords: Iterable[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]]) tuple[source]

Return the bounding coordinates for a given set of XY coordinates.


corner_coords – four XY tuples of corner coordinates. Their order does not matter.



py_tools_ds.geo.coord_calc.get_corner_coordinates(gt, cols, rows)[source]

Return (ULxy, LLxy, LRxy, URxy) in the same coordinate units like the given geotransform.

py_tools_ds.geo.coord_grid module

py_tools_ds.geo.coord_grid.find_nearest_grid_coord(valXY: Sequence[float, float], gt: Sequence[float], rows: int, cols: int, direction: str = 'NW', extrapolate: bool = True) Tuple[float, float][source]
py_tools_ds.geo.coord_grid.get_coord_grid(ULxy: Sequence[float, float], LRxy: Sequence[float, float], out_resXY: Sequence[float, float]) np.ndarray[source]
py_tools_ds.geo.coord_grid.is_coord_grid_equal(gt: Sequence[float], xgrid: Sequence[float], ygrid: Sequence[float], tolerance: float = 0.0) bool[source]

Check if a given GeoTransform exactly matches the given X/Y grid.

  • gt – GDAL GeoTransform

  • xgrid – numpy array defining the coordinate grid in x-direction

  • ygrid – numpy array defining the coordinate grid in y-direction

  • tolerance – float value defining a tolerance, e.g. 1e-8


py_tools_ds.geo.coord_grid.is_point_on_grid(pointXY: Sequence[float, float], xgrid: Sequence[float], ygrid: Sequence[float], tolerance: float = 0.0) bool[source]

Check if a given point is exactly on the given coordinate grid.

  • pointXY – (X,Y) coordinates of the point to check

  • xgrid – numpy array defining the coordinate grid in x-direction

  • ygrid – numpy array defining the coordinate grid in y-direction

  • tolerance – float value defining a tolerance, e.g. 1e-8

py_tools_ds.geo.coord_grid.move_shapelyPoly_to_image_grid(shapelyPoly: Union[shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon,], gt: Sequence[float], rows: int, cols: int, moving_dir: str = 'NW')[source]
py_tools_ds.geo.coord_grid.snap_bounds_to_pixGrid(bounds: Sequence[float], gt: Sequence[float], roundAlg: str = 'auto') Tuple[float, float, float, float][source]

Snap the given bounds to the given grid (defined by gt) under the use of the given round algorithm.

NOTE: asserts equal projections of source and target grid

  • bounds – <tuple, list> (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)

  • gt – <tuple, list> GDAL geotransform

  • roundAlg – <str> ‘auto’, ‘on’, ‘off’


py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo module

py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo.get_utm_zone(longitude: float) int[source]

Get the UTM zone corresponding to the given longitude.

py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo.imXY2mapXY(imXY: Union[tuple, numpy.ndarray], gt: Sequence) Union[tuple, numpy.ndarray][source]

Translate the given pixel X/Y locations into geo coordinates according to the given image geotransform.

  • imXY – <tuple, np.ndarray> The image coordinates to be translated in the form (x,y) or as np.ndarray [Nx1].

  • gt – <list> GDAL geotransform


<tuple, np.ndarray> geo coordinate tuple X/Y (mapX, mapY) or np.ndarray [Nx2]

py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo.imYX2mapYX(imYX, gt)[source]
py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo.latLonToPixel(latLonPairs: List[Sequence[float, float]], geotransform: Sequence, projection: str) List[Sequence[float, float]][source]

Translate the given latitude/longitude pairs into pixel X/Y locations.

  • latLonPairs – The decimal lat/lon pairings to be translated in the form [[lat1,lon1],[lat2,lon2]]

  • geotransform – GDAL GeoTransform

  • projection – WKT string


The pixel translation of the lat/lon pairings in the form [[x1,y1],[x2,y2]]

py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo.lonlat_to_pixel(lon, lat, inverse_geo_transform)[source]

Translate the given lon, lat to the grid pixel coordinates in data array (zero start).

py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo.mapXY2imXY(mapXY: Union[tuple, numpy.ndarray], gt: Sequence) Union[tuple, numpy.ndarray][source]

Translate the given geo coordinates into pixel locations according to the given image geotransform.

  • mapXY – <tuple, np.ndarray> The geo coordinates to be translated in the form (x,y) or as np.ndarray [Nx1].

  • gt – <list> GDAL geotransform


<tuple, np.ndarray> image coordinate tuple X/Y (column, row) or np.ndarray [Nx2]

py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo.mapYX2imYX(mapYX, gt)[source]
py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo.pixelToLatLon(pixelPairs: List[Sequence[float, float]], geotransform: Sequence, projection: str) List[Sequence[float, float]][source]

Translate the given pixel X/Y locations into latitude/longitude locations.

  • pixelPairs – Image coordinate pairs to be translated in the form [[x1,y1],[x2,y2]]

  • geotransform – GDAL GeoTransform

  • projection – WKT string


The lat/lon translation of the pixel pairings in the form [[lat1,lon1],[lat2,lon2]]

py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo.pixelToMapYX(pixelCoords, geotransform, projection)[source]
py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo.reproject_shapelyGeometry(shapelyGeometry, prj_src, prj_tgt)[source]

Reproject any shapely geometry from one projection to another.

  • shapelyGeometry – any shapely geometry instance

  • prj_src – GDAL projection as WKT string or EPSG code (‘epsg:1234’ or <EPSG_int>)

  • prj_tgt – GDAL projection as WKT string or EPSG code (‘epsg:1234’ or <EPSG_int>)

py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo.transform_GCPlist(gcpList, prj_src, prj_tgt)[source]
  • gcpList – <list> list of ground control points in the output coordinate system to be used for warping, e.g. [gdal.GCP(mapX,mapY,mapZ,column,row),…]

  • prj_src – WKT string

  • prj_tgt – WKT string


py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo.transform_any_prj(prj_src: Union[str, int], prj_tgt: Union[str, int], x: Union[float, np.ndarray], y: Union[float, np.ndarray])[source]

Transform X/Y data from any source projection to any target projection.

  • prj_src – GDAL projection as WKT string or EPSG code (‘epsg:1234’ or <EPSG_int>)

  • prj_tgt – GDAL projection as WKT string or EPSG code (‘epsg:1234’ or <EPSG_int>)

  • x – X-coordinate(s) to be transformed (either <float> or 1D-<np.ndarray>)

  • y – X-coordinate(s) to be transformed (either <float> or 1D-<np.ndarray>)


py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo.transform_coordArray(prj_src: str, prj_tgt: str, Xarr: numpy.ndarray, Yarr: numpy.ndarray, Zarr: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None) Sequence[numpy.ndarray][source]

Transform a geolocation array from one projection into another.

HINT: This function is faster than transform_any_prj but works only for geolocation arrays.

  • prj_src – WKT string

  • prj_tgt – WKT string

  • Xarr – np.ndarray of shape (rows,cols)

  • Yarr – np.ndarray of shape (rows,cols)

  • Zarr – np.ndarray of shape (rows,cols)


py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo.transform_utm_to_wgs84(easting: float, northing: float, zone: int, south: bool = False)[source]

Transform an UTM coordinate to lon, lat, altitude.

py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo.transform_wgs84_to_utm(lon: float, lat: float, zone: int = None)[source]

Return easting, northing, altitude for the given Lon/Lat coordinate.

  • lon – longitude

  • lat – latitude

  • zone – UTM zone (if not set it is derived automatically)

py_tools_ds.geo.map_info module

class py_tools_ds.geo.map_info.Geocoding(mapinfo: Optional[Union[list, tuple]] = None, gt: Optional[Union[list, tuple]] = None, prj: str = '')[source]

Bases: object

from_geotransform_projection(gt: Union[list, tuple], prj: str) py_tools_ds.geo.map_info.Geocoding[source]

Create Geocoding object from GDAL GeoTransform + WKT projection string.

HOW COMPUTATION OF RADIANTS WORKS: Building on top of the computation within self.to_geotransform(): gt[1] = math.cos(rotation_rad) * gsd_x gt[2] = math.sin(rotation_rad) * gsd_x

-> we have to solve this equation system to get rotation_rad: gsd_x = gt[2] / math.sin(rotation_rad) gt[1] = math.cos(rotation_rad) * gt[2] / math.sin(rotation_rad) gt[1] * math.sin(rotation_rad) = math.cos(rotation_rad) * gt[2] math.sin(rotation_rad) / math.cos(rotation_rad) = gt[2] / gt[1] math.tan(rotation_rad) = gt[2] / gt[1] rotation_rad = math.atan(gt[2] / gt[1])

  • gt – GDAL GeoTransform, e.g. (249885.0, 30.0, 0.0, 4578615.0, 0.0, -30.0)

  • prj – GDAL Projection - WKT Format


instance of Geocoding

from_mapinfo(mapinfo: Union[list, tuple]) py_tools_ds.geo.map_info.Geocoding[source]

Create Geocoding object from ENVI map info.


mapinfo – ENVI map info, e.g., [‘UTM’, 1, 1, 192585.0, 5379315.0, 30.0, 30.0, 41, ‘North’, ‘WGS-84’]


instance of Geocoding

to_geotransform() tuple[source]

Return GDAL GeoTransform list using the attributes of the Geocoding instance.

For equations, see:


GDAL GeoTransform, e.g. [249885.0, 30.0, 0.0, 4578615.0, 0.0, -30.0]


Return ENVI map info list using the attributes of the Geocoding instance.


ENVI map info, e.g. [ UTM , 1 , 1 , 256785.0 , 4572015.0 , 30.0 , 30.0 , 43 , North , WGS-84 ]

py_tools_ds.geo.map_info.geotransform2mapinfo(gt: Optional[Union[list, tuple]], prj: Optional[str]) list[source]

Build an ENVI geo info from given GDAL GeoTransform and Projection (compatible with UTM and LonLat projections).

  • gt – GDAL GeoTransform, e.g. (249885.0, 30.0, 0.0, 4578615.0, 0.0, -30.0)

  • prj – GDAL Projection - WKT Format


ENVI geo info, e.g. [ UTM , 1 , 1 , 256785.0 , 4572015.0 , 30.0 , 30.0 , 43 , North , WGS-84 ]

Return type


py_tools_ds.geo.map_info.get_corner_coordinates(gdal_ds=None, gt=None, cols=None, rows=None)[source]

Return (ULxy, LLxy, LRxy, URxy) in the same coordinate units like the given geotransform.

py_tools_ds.geo.map_info.mapinfo2geotransform(map_info: Optional[list]) tuple[source]

Build GDAL GeoTransform tuple from an ENVI geo info.


map_info – ENVI geo info (list), e.g., [‘UTM’, 1, 1, 192585.0, 5379315.0, 30.0, 30.0, 41, ‘North’, ‘WGS-84’]


GDAL GeoTransform, e.g. [249885.0, 30.0, 0.0, 4578615.0, 0.0, -30.0]

py_tools_ds.geo.projection module

py_tools_ds.geo.projection.EPSG2Proj4(EPSG_code: int) str[source]
py_tools_ds.geo.projection.EPSG2WKT(EPSG_code: int) str[source]
py_tools_ds.geo.projection.WKT2EPSG(wkt: str) Optional[int][source]

Transform a WKT string to an EPSG code.


wkt – WKT definition


EPSG code

py_tools_ds.geo.projection.dict_to_proj4(proj4dict: dict) str[source]

Convert a PROJ4-like dictionary into a PROJ4 string.


proj4dict – <dict> the PROJ4-like dictionary

py_tools_ds.geo.projection.get_UTMzone(prj: str) Optional[int][source]
py_tools_ds.geo.projection.get_prjLonLat(fmt: str = 'wkt') Union[str, dict][source]

Return standard geographic projection (EPSG 4326) in the WKT or PROJ4 format.


fmt – <str> target format - ‘WKT’ or ‘PROJ4’

py_tools_ds.geo.projection.get_proj4info(proj: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None) str[source]

Return PROJ4 formatted projection info for the given projection.

e.g. ‘+proj=utm +zone=43 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs ‘


proj – <str,int> the projection to get PROJ4 formatted info for (WKT or ‘epsg:1234’ or <EPSG_int>)

py_tools_ds.geo.projection.isLocal(prj: Union[str, int, dict]) Optional[bool][source]

prj – accepts EPSG, Proj4 and WKT projections

py_tools_ds.geo.projection.isProjectedOrGeographic(prj: Union[str, int, dict]) Optional[str][source]

prj – accepts EPSG, Proj4 and WKT projections

py_tools_ds.geo.projection.prj_equal(prj1: Union[None, int, str], prj2: Union[None, int, str]) bool[source]

Check if the given two projections are equal.

  • prj1 – projection 1 (WKT or ‘epsg:1234’ or <EPSG_int>)

  • prj2 – projection 2 (WKT or ‘epsg:1234’ or <EPSG_int>)

py_tools_ds.geo.projection.proj4_to_WKT(proj4str: str) str[source]

Convert a PROJ4-like string into a WKT string.


proj4str – <dict> the PROJ4-like string

py_tools_ds.geo.projection.proj4_to_dict(proj4: str) dict[source]

Convert a PROJ4-like string into a dictionary.


proj4 – <str> the PROJ4-like string

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